Costas Balas is a full Professor, Director of the Electronics Lab and founder/leader of the Optoelectronics group of the Electrical and Computer Engineering School of the Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece. In 2002, and on the basis of his innovations, he founded DySIS-Medical Ltd -a medical device company, currently with international activities in USA, EU and Asia. Apart from being the founder of DySIS-Medical, he held for more than 10 years key positions, including member of the Board of Directors and Chief Scientific Officer-head of the R&D dept IP manager. In 2016 he attracted a new investment and founded QCell-a spinoff of Technical University of Crete. QCell develops hyperspectral imaging technologies for mobile platforms and applications. During 2016 he also founded Holoptica, a company with the mission of designing and prototyping innovative diagnostic imaging devises. He is the author or co-author of numerous peer-reviewed scientific publications and has delivered numerous invited presentations in international conferences. He also holds numerous patents granted in USA, EU and Asia. Prof. Costas Balas, is the Winner of the Applied Research & Innovation Competition "Greece Innovates”, 2013. He has received fellowships, and institutional, conference and patent awards. His research experience/interests include photonic devices, instrumentation of hyperspectral imaging systems, spectroscopy, medical diagnostic devices, biophotonics, optical biopsy, molecular imaging, in-silico modelling of dynamic bio-optical processes and scientific instrumentation for non-destructive analysis. He is a member of IEEE-photonics society, Optical Society of America, SPIE-the International Society for Optical Engineering.